Training for the Marathon des Sables
Well seeing if this my first blog will work.
Only a month & a half to go until the biggest & hardest race of my life.
I also really need to get my Just Giving page up & running for my chosen charity Nottingham Mencap.
The training is going reasonably well. Just had an easy recovery week of approximately 30 miles ready for two last big training weeks, which will then lead into a 4 - 3 week taper.
My left foot is still niggling, but trying hard not to push it into a full blown injury.
About to head out for a 20 mile run / walk & it's trying to Snow.
Ideal training for a 40 - 50 degree desert race.
By the way, I'm stupidly assuming that everyone knows that the Marathon des Sables is a 7 day 155 mile, self sufficiency foot race in the Sahara Desert?
You have to carry everything you need for the week except your
tent & water.
Wish me luck!